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Florida Stone Crab Trap Tags For Sale

Florida stone crab is one of the most popular seafood delicacies in the US. Every year, stone crab lovers eagerly await the start of the stone crab season, which runs from October 15 through May 1. During this time, fishermen in Florida head out to sea to catch the prized crabs. However, to ensure sustainability, each trap must be tagged with a unique identification tag. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about Florida stone crab trap tags for sale.

Florida Stone Crab

What Are Stone Crab Trap Tags?

Stone crab trap tags are identification tags that every stone crab trap used in Florida must have. These tags are unique and assigned by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC) to ensure traceability and sustainability. The tags are affixed to the traps or buoy lines and help the FWC track crab harvests and enforce fishing regulations.

Florida Fish And Wildlife Commission

Who Needs Stone Crab Trap Tags?

Anyone who wants to harvest stone crabs in Florida must obtain a commercial or recreational fishing license and purchase stone crab trap tags. Commercial fishermen need the appropriate license and tags, while recreational fishermen only need a recreational fishing license and can only harvest stone crabs using up to five traps. The tags are not transferable and can only be used on the traps they were assigned to.

Where Can You Get Florida Stone Crab Trap Tags?

Florida stone crab trap tags can be purchased online from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission website or in-person at a regional office or authorized vendor. The cost of the tags varies depending on whether you are a commercial or recreational fisherman and how many tags you need. The tags come in different colors and must be used during the current stone crab season. It is important to purchase your tags early because they sell out quickly.

Florida Fishing License

When Should You Put the Tags On Your Traps?

Stone crab trap tags must be affixed to the trap or buoy line before it is placed in the water. The tags should be attached in a visible location and should not obstruct the harvest of stone crabs. The FWC recommends attaching the tags to the trap runners, which are the long runners on the bottom of the trap. It is important to remember that the tags are not transferable, and you cannot use a tag on a trap that it was not assigned to.

Why Are Stone Crab Trap Tags Important?

Stone crab trap tags are crucial for the sustainability of the stone crab fishery in Florida. By requiring each trap to have a unique tag, the FWC can track the number of crabs harvested, where and when they were harvested, and by whom. This information helps the FWC make informed decisions about fishing regulations and ensures that the fishery remains sustainable for future generations.

Sustainable Fishing


If you are planning to harvest stone crabs in Florida, it is essential to purchase and affix the required trap tags before heading out to sea. Stone crab trap tags not only help the FWC enforce fishing regulations and ensure sustainability, but they also help protect the livelihoods of Florida fishermen.

Related video of Florida Stone Crab Trap Tags For Sale: Everything You Need to Know