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Legend Of The Five Rings Crab Clan

The Crab Clan is one of the great clans of Rokugan in the Legend of the Five Rings universe. Proud defenders of the Emerald Empire, the Crab Clan is tasked with protecting the borders of Rokugan from the dark forces that threaten to invade from beyond. The clan is known for their strong will, tenacity, and fierce loyalty to their duties. In this article, we will delve deeper into the history and lore of the Crab Clan.

The Origins of the Crab Clan


The Crab Clan was founded by the Kami Hida, who was one of the seven Kami that came to Rokugan and established the clans. Hida was known for his strength and loyalty, and these qualities were instilled in the Crab Clan from its very inception. The founders of the Crab Clan were tasked with defending the borders of Rokugan from the Shadowlands, a dark and foreboding realm that exists beyond the Crab Clan's Kaiu Wall.

The Duties of the Crab Clan


The Crab Clan is tasked with defending the Empire from the Shadowlands, a realm that is populated by all manner of demons, goblins, and undead. The Crab Clan is also responsible for maintaining the Kaiu Wall, a massive fortification that stretches across the northern border of the Empire. The Kaiu Wall is designed to keep the forces of the Shadowlands at bay, and it is the duty of the Crab Clan to make sure that it is always in a state of readiness.

In addition to their military duties, the Crab Clan is also responsible for collecting jade, a rare mineral that is used to protect against the taint of the Shadowlands. Jade is an important resource for the Empire, and the Crab Clan is tasked with collecting and distributing it to those who need it most.

The Champions of the Crab Clan


The Crab Clan has produced some of the greatest champions in the history of Rokugan. Among them is Hida Kisada, who was known as the Great Bear of the Crab. Kisada was a fierce warrior who led his clan in countless battles against the forces of the Shadowlands. He was known for his strength and his stubbornness, and he was revered by his people as a hero.

Another champion of the Crab Clan is Yasuki Hachi, who was a master of commerce and trade. Hachi was known for his shrewd business dealings and his ability to negotiate with even the most recalcitrant of samurai. He was also known for his loyalty to the Crab Clan, and he served them faithfully until the end of his days.

The Future of the Crab Clan


The Crab Clan has faced many challenges throughout its history, but it has always emerged victorious. The future of the Crab Clan is uncertain, but it is clear that they will continue to defend the borders of the Empire with all the strength and determination that they are known for.

As we look to the future, it is important to remember the lessons of the past. The Crab Clan is a shining example of the virtues that are valued in Rokugan: loyalty, perseverance, and strength. We can all learn from their example and strive to be better, both as individuals and as members of our communities.


The Crab Clan is a proud and noble clan that has served the Empire with honor and distinction for centuries. Their unwavering dedication to duty and their steadfast determination make them a role model for all who would seek to serve their communities. The Crab Clan will undoubtedly face many more challenges in the years to come, but they will face them with the same strength and courage that has defined them for generations. We can all learn from the example of the Crab Clan and strive to embody the virtues that they represent.

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